Reflections from Inner Dimensions of Climate Change

Recently I was part of a gathering called ‘Inner Dimensions of Climate Change’ with about 55 other people, healers, climate activists, community builders, practitioners from at least 30 countries. To my mind, its difficult to put them under any label - rather an intuitive sense brought us all together. It was the culmination of almost 4 years of work of Global Peace Initiative of Women and Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist Association.

Here’s what struck me:

  • Making the spirit, conscious - For long, I have felt it and for long the spiritual has guided my being and actions - however it acted like a side eye. In the process of this gathering, I was exposed to spiritual fields of other beings and gently I sensed the spiritual to be the central core of my life. All my pursuits, I am beginning to see are to rise higher or go deeper into this spiritual journey. I am beginning to come to realise that while action of any form is very important, the spiritual / inner space from where it comes - is more significant (for me). I often think of someone and find that the next day, I have received a call/email from that person; or dreams communicating intense feelings to me; and alternating despair and hope, pain and joy in extremities sometimes - I have been interpreting these just in the light of becoming more effective as a practitioner, often putting myself under strain to act better. Only now I am beginning to acknowledge the deeper forces at play, a larger design that is sutler the gross senses. This gathering (still emerging for me) is enabling me to acknowledge the spirit realm and deepen my exploration of the same. And as I live my way through it - I know I am not alone, energies of other human beings, other living beings and nature are acting together for healing of the world.
  • Sacred Eco Community: An intention that has long been in my heart is to create a sacred eco community based on a land, sharing nurturing relationships with other living beings, with a spiritual purpose engaged in the work of service. So far with Youth Alliance we have been able to create a vibrant community of young people on a deeper pursuit of meaning in life - however, I am sensing the time is right to begin to belong on a land, making the community experience more lived. In one of the exercises by Daniel based on ‘The Work that reconnects’ - we invited the voices of doubt, of ancestors, of future beings and mother earth. Typically, the voice of doubt has occupied the most space in my mind and the work has been to solve for the doubts, if I am to realise the intention. Inviting voices of ancestors and future beings made me realise how my thoughts, feelings and actions are not just mine, I am acting with my ancestors and future beings. Can I live into the world that my future beings would like to take birth in and my ancestors would support? My answer is Yes. And as I say that I am able to tap into some of that energy and it acts through me.
  • Energy of the Young - In our work at Youth Alliance, we have got immense opportunities to work with young people from India, typically urban, economically privileged, modern-ly educated bereft of traditional communities, seeking wisdom, disillusioned from one or more systems - we have found deep solidarity and spirit in supporting service work. The gathering offered me space to be with young people from different countries coming from such diverse traditions, thoughts and yet to-gether for the inner sacred. The nature of the crisis / possibility of our times, that includes climate emergency, economic inequity, social fragmentation, spiritual disconnection -interconnected, pervasive and civilisational. It was energising to be in a group of young people who share the disillusionment of the current paradigm and are willing to support the world to transition and heal into a more holistic way of living. Into a more beautiful world our hearts know is possible. Within that I found a few friends, to walk closely with me.
I am grateful for many things aligning for me to be able to receive this experience. Here are some visual glimpses:


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