
Showing posts from April, 2019

A Lifetime Pass

In me, a museum of experiences, of thoughts, of feelings In you, a visitor, may be a seer You can come in, but only with my permission To have a look at the stills, or the movings The dormants or the actives The painfuls or the joyfuls The hurts and the heals But only at certain times, visiting hours For at other times, I might be seeing it for myself Or my museum might be under maintainence, recovering from visitor shocks And while you visit it, be sure that your imprint shall be left hanging in one of the corners of my museum May be for others to see You are important to me Oh now, that I confessed to you that you are important to me  Let me invite you in an inner chamber I want to be calling it भव You see English is a limited language Anyway, I will say inner world I wonder what's this separation I want to be giving you a lifetime pass to my inner world. I hope you won't hurt it, consciously You are welcome, home.

Oiling up and Motherhood

One of the things I love and also miss is getting oiled up by my mother.  As an infant oiling up is considered very important to develop strength in the body - for me my Dadi took that job (I think).  As a child, oiling up is considered important to moisturise the body to have a more resilient skin, to let toxins go away.  As a teenage, oiling up is considered important to develop shiny features :p and become attractive. My mother didn't leave an oil unturned. Our favorite then was 'Hair & Care'. :)  As a young adult, oiling up is considered important to continue to nourish sweat pores as an outlet to toxins, energy and become more physically agile. At this time for me, those fancy moisturisers and deo's came into my life and reduced my sweat pore capacity and skin agility. As an adult, oiling up is considered important these days to not lose hair on the head. I miss my mum, and her oiling up and therefore hair density on my head is reducing....