You are part of the New and Ancient Work :)
Dearest Family Member,
I hope this email finds you in joy and love.
On this Saturday morning, I have a question for you - Where have you experienced / seen these elements?
Clock | Bell | Time-table | Compartments | Uniform | Input >> Process >> Output
Yes, Factory, Prison, Railway Stations, Shopping Malls and sometimes even in Homes. And if you inquire deeply you would find one or the other combination of these design elements in all modern social constructs we are part of. What have these design done - they have created a story of the world - story of separation, of competition, of rush, of standardisation, of self-limiting survival and of self-interest.
What does this mean? Why on a Saturday morning? To that, please allow me to take you away from your mind, to your heart. And re-touch your experience of Youth Alliance. From what each us have experienced - there's awareness of oneself, there's deeper & authentic relationships, there's courage and many more experiences of the heart.
At Youth Alliance, we do not see what we experience as a response to the world - the experience is far in the realm of personal sacred. However, this email is about seeing that very experience in the light of a radical response to what's happening in the world - this approach is as ancient and as post-modern as one can go. So its new and ancient work.
My invitation to you, today is to:
Watch deeply around, the conditions of the modern world that doesn't let you act as per your true natural self
Stay with it and identify with precision your inner response(s) to them
Share here what you noticed..
We are together in a movement of creating the inner conditions within us, from where a new story of the world can take birth. The Story of trust, cooperation, of uniqueness, of love. In fact its already taking birth and we are party to the experience. What we need to do it keep visiting the inner quarters of courage and renew ourselves in our seeking..
So, Happy Saturday and every other day.
Till more,
With love 
May Peace prevail over violence,
In your service,
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