As 2019 builds its rhythm - a call to cultivate the community more :)
Dearest Family Member,
While we were in Kutch, I met an elderly Dadi, she called herself 101 years old but never counted her age :) I asked her if she was scared of death and she said 'सब कुछ राम का है, जब चाहे ले लें ' (everything belongs to God and he can take it whenever he wants). Witnessing her, I felt she treaded lightly while being true to the role that she was given in her life. I have been thinking for myself, while I try to live my purpose a 100% - what does it take to tread lightly? To not be a weight on the planet - physically, emotionally, spiritually. :)
In our country and the world, there's remarkable polarisation, ego and fear and to us the most important way to engage with it - is to live our lives with very different anchors - of trust, acceptance and fearlessness.
What we also need is to cultivate a community that supports us to live our values - because its fun to be on an adventure together. No fun fighting alone.
So as 2019 builds its rhythm - our call to you is to spend some time cultivating this community, these friendships, these relationships that are of higher purpose. Make some time to
- Have
conversations, they heal..
- Show up with your whole self where its really challenging - whether for a friend, or in a difficult situation
- Create / be part of circles that are in search of truth - listening to stories from many.
Within the team, we decided to take it a bit slow beginning of the year to reflect on our journey so far and imagine the next couple of years. We are having a stepback retreat in Udaipur beginning of February.
This year will see a lot more of engagement with the ecosystem, some more experiments and best of all - we shall invite you to take more and more ownership to you guys, to build this community - playing all kinds of roles - holders, pollinators, mentors, supporters etc. So watch out for all that. So we will reach out to you more and more to hear from you.
Send in a line, about how you are experiencing Youth Alliance in your life right now or anything you wish to say..
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