Glimpses of a Real Indian Wedding

For long, a wedding for me meant food and an outing if it was of someone not closely related; wedding in a close relation, meant family get-together, listening to the elders gossip about each other and of-course food. Lately, music, dance and taking photos was added to the list that excited me about an Indian wedding. In the latest phase, just before I went to this wedding (that is the focal point of this particular sharing) I began to be cynical about the way wedding process happened. Every ritual (reet/rasam), I believe, would have a logical reason, as per the time it must have originated. For instance, I can rationally think, what must have been the reason behind the bridegroom perched on a mare (ghodi), it would have been that with all the stuff worn by him, to walk to the venue of the wedding (that was generally bride’s home or village), it could have turned out a bit tedious, hence, the mare. Now, the bridegroom would not go alone, therefore, accompanied by dear ones. W...